Outplacement / Career Transition Support

We are established providers of Career Transition and Job Search (Outplacement) Support in Canterbury and across New Zealand.

This support can be provided:
Internally – providing support to employees affected by a change process, or
Externally – providing employees who have been made redundant an opportunity to respond proactively to the changes taking place.

Our career consultants provide affected employees with specialist practical support and professional tools for developing job search strategies and marketing themselves. Our programmes are customised to meet the needs of employees at all levels of the organisation. We see this support as a journey, rather than a single event.

Benefits to employers:

  • Reputation and brand retained in the market by exiting employees who have been treated with dignity.
  • Demonstrates to exiting staff and those who remain that the employer values its people.
  • Demonstrates a duty of care and good will by employer.
  • Eases the pressure on managers/HR staff by using independent, externalproviders to provide support.

Benefits to employees:

  • Practical tools and techniques to help them find their next role.
  • A positive forward-looking approach which helps them navigate their journey.
  • A sense of gaining control of their situation and moving forward, not looking backwards.
  • One on one sessions provide a confidential setting for the employee to be coached on their career direction.
  • Personal marketing tools updated and employee has confidence for a successful job search.
  • Assessment of skills, competencies and key achievements.
  • Understanding job fit criteria and modern recruitment methods.
  • A targeted, up to date CV, cover letter and LinkedIn profile.
  • Behavioural interview techniques.
  • Job search strategies that generate options including using networks and recruiters